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Conversion of crypt12 file format to xls file format beta

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If you are looking for a way to export chat history from WhatsApp archives (.crypt12) and save it as Excel spreadsheet (.xls), you will first need to downgrade it to the original .crypt version which is covered under crypt12 to crypt conversion.

Once you have the .crypt file, you can recover the history using WhatCrypt Tools which produce a HTML version of the chat history packaged as ZIP archive. Just import the .html file to Excel and save it as XLS spreadsheet and that's it.

Unfortunately, there is no detailed software record in the database for this conversion.


Additional links: Open crypt12 file, Open xls file


Files with crypt12 extension can be found as encrypted chat history databases from latest version of WhatsApp Messenger instant messaging client for Android.


Files with xls extension are best known as spreadsheets from Microsoft Excel. A spreadsheet is basically a grid of cells sorted in rows and columns. Each cell can contain text, numeric or formula data. Excel XLS spreadsheets can be opened in most other similar programs, such as OpenOffice.org Calc.


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