A json file extension is also associated with the Mozilla Firefox web browser and Seamonkey internet suite. A .json file stores saved bookmarks in JSON file format that can be created during the backup process of  currently saved bookmarks.

There is one other file type using
the JSON file extension!

empty icon.json - JavaScript object notation data interchange format [common]

Detailed description

Software that open json file

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JSON file extension - Mozilla Firefox bookmark backup

What is json file? How to open json files?

File type specification:

Backup file type icon Backup file type

json file icon: json filetype icon

Mozilla Firefox web browser uses json file format for user backup of website bookmarks.

Used by Mozilla Firefox from version 3.0 for bookmark backup in JSON format. Firefox version 1.0 - 2.0 stored bookmark backup in HTML file.

JSON is a part of the ECMAScript standard since ECMA has defined in 1999 the eval function that parses the format.

It has been popularized with the success of Ajax. The JSON word appears often when one is speaking about Ajax. We know this is another data format, that can replace XML, and this format is supported by a lot of programmers.

You do not need to open the json file, you can use Firefox to import the backup file. You can import them using the Library.

Open the Library - Bookmarks → Organize Bookmarks

To import the bookmarks from the JSON backup, in the Library choose:

Import and Backup → Restore → Choose File

Note that importing a json file will replace any existing bookmarks with those in the json file.

Firefox automatically creates 5 backup files, and these backups are stored in the bookmarkbackups folder inside the profile folder. On Windows Vista the usual location for the profile folder is:

C:\Users\"Windows login/user name"\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\

xxxxxxxx is a string of random characters, the second half of that part of the folder name is normally .default but may be something else. The Application Data folder is usually a hidden folder. To show hidden folders, open Windows Explorer and choose:

Organize → Folder and Search Options → Folder Options → View and select Show hidden files and folders

MIME type used for json files: application/json

Updated: January 2, 2025

The default software associated to open json file:

Firefox icon

Mozilla Corporation logoFirefox  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Mozilla Corporation

Firefox is very popular free open source web browser with many features.
Firefox supports tabbed browsing, private browsing, spell checking, incremental find, bookmarking etc. Other features can be added via extensions and add-ons, such as NoScript, Tab Mix Plus. FoxyTunes, Web Developer.

Firefox for Mac icon

Mozilla Corporation logoFirefox for Mac  Apple macOS / Mac OS X software

Company or developer:
Mozilla Corporation

Firefox for Mac is popular free web browser developed by Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses Gecko layout engine to display internet web pages. Gecko supports many current web standards. Firefox features include tabbed browsing, spell checking, live bookmarking, private browsing etc.. New features can be added through extensions.

Firefox for Linux icon

Mozilla Corporation logoFirefox for Linux  Linux/Unix software

Company or developer:
Mozilla Corporation

Firefox for Linux is popular free Internet browser developed by Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses Gecko layout engine to view web pages. Gecko supports many web standards, Firefox supports many features, such as tabbed browsing, spell checking, private browsing etc.. Another features can be added by extensions. In many Linux distributions, Firefox is pre-installed as a default web browser.

Related articles:

Backup and Restore Firefox bookmarks

Help how to open:

You can use export/import (HTML) or backup/restore (JSON) in the Bookmarks Manager to create a backup or restore the bookmarks.

Another possibility is to make a backup of the file places.sqlite in the profile folder.

The file places.sqlite stores the History and the Bookmarks in Firefox 3.

Restoring a JSON backup will replace all your current bookmarks (you get a warning about that), so if you already have bookmarks that you wish to keep then export them to a HTML file before restoring the JSON backup.

You can import that HTML file after you have restored the JSON backup to get your current bookmarks back (you need to remove duplicates). You can't import a JSON backup to add (merge) bookmarks. Importing bookmarks from a HTML file adds the imported bookmarks to the already existing bookmarks, so you may need to remove duplicates. A HTML backup doesn't support tags and annotations, so if you want to preserve those then you need to use a JSON backup.

JSON backup/restore:

Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import & Backup > Backup
Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import & Backup > Restore > Choose File

HTML export/import:

Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import & Backup > Export HTML
Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import & Backup > Import HTML : "From File"

How to convert:

Firefox bookmarks can be exported only in json or html file. Any other formats are not supported.

List of software applications associated to the .json file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open json file, edit json file, convert json file, view json file, play json file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting json files.

json file converter - software that convert json file - Mozilla Firefox bookmark backup

Programs supporting the exension json on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about Transmute for convert json file action.

Microsoft Windows:

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