Files with thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file extension can be found in devices that run Google Android operating system as various thumbnail index files that optimize loading of the store picture previews.
Software that open thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file
THUMBDATA5--1967290299_0 file extension - Android thumbnail index
What is thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file? How to open thumbdata5--1967290299_0 files?
File type specification:
File extension thumbdata5--1967290299_0 is associated with the Google Android operating system.
The thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file is used for a thumbnail index of photos found in some Android Phones on their SD-Cards.
The number in the file name is a unique identifier for the file. This file can sometimes take up a large amount of storage space, especially if you have a lot of photos and videos on your device. However, it's not recommended to delete this file, as it will be recreated by the system and may cause the gallery to load slower.
For more information check the thumbdata5 file extension on our web.
Updated: December 25, 2024
The default software associated to open thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file:
Company or developer:
Google Inc.
Google Android is a powerful, versatile operating system developed by Google and primarily used for mobile devices. It's known for its open-source nature, allowing extensive customization and a wide range of apps. Android powers the majority of smartphones globally, offering users seamless integration with Google's services and an expansive app ecosystem.
List of software applications associated to the .thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file, edit thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file, convert thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file, view thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file, play thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting thumbdata5--1967290299_0 files.
Programs that can create thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file - Android thumbnail index
Programs supporting the exension thumbdata5--1967290299_0 on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about Google Android for create thumbdata5--1967290299_0 file action.