An edm file extension is related to the Adobe Extension Data Markup Language (EDML) files.
Software that open edm file
EDM file extension - Adobe Extension Data Markup Language (EDML)
What is edm file? How to open edm files?
The edm file extension is associated with the Adobe Dreamweaver.
The edm file contains data written in Adobe Extension Data Markup Language file format.
Used for example for settings file in Adobe Dreamweaver.
The default software associated to open edm file:
Company or developer:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Dreamweaver is a professional-level web authoring and editing program that has both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for both desktop and mobile platforms. The latest version, Dreamweaver CC is available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud.
Company or developer:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the best programs for web authoring and editing program available on market. It has has both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for both desktop and mobile platforms. The latest version, Dreamweaver CC is available as part of Adobe Creative Cloud also in fully compatible OS X version.
List of recommended software applications associated to the .edm file extension
Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open edm file, edit edm file, convert edm file, view edm file, play edm file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).
Settings file type for software that use edm file - Adobe Extension Data Markup Language (EDML)
Programs supporting the exension edm on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for settings edm file action.