Files with rtf extension can commonly be found as text files saved in Rich Text Format. Supported by most text editors.

There is one other file type using
the RTF file extension!

empty icon.rtf - ZKSofware FingerPrint Attendance System SKD data

Detailed description

Software that open rtf file

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RTF file extension - Rich Text Format document

What is rtf file? How to open rtf files?

File type specification:

Document file type icon Document file type

Text file type icon Text file type

rtf file icon: rtf filetype icon

File extension rtf is used for documents written in Rich Text Format, a text format with some very basic formatting preserved.

RTF format stores data in plain ASCII text file with additional formatting commands somewhat similar to HTML files. It allows exchange of text files between different word processors or different operating systems.

The RTF format was developed by Microsoft in 1987. In 2008 the updating of RTF was stopped.

MIME types used:

  • application/msword
  • application/rtf
  • application/x-rtf
  • text/richtext
  • text/rtf

Updated: January 3, 2025

The default software associated to open rtf file:

Microsoft Word icon

Microsoft Corporation logoMicrosoft Word  Microsoft Windows software

Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Word offers powerful word processing and text editor features that allow users to easily create documents. Almost every, if not every, computer user knows .doc and .docx Word documents.

Related articles:

Open and convert Pages documents online

Convert files inside Google Drive

File types supported in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

File types supported in Microsoft Word 2010

Help how to open:

Most word processors are able to read and write *.rtf documents.

How to convert:

You can easily save RTF documents to other format using almost any word processing tool.

Find conversions from rtf file:

rtf to ascii

rtf to eml

rtf to pages

rtf to pdf

rtf to srt

rtf to tns

rtf to word

Find converter to rtf file type:

oxps to rtf

pages to rtf

pmd to rtf

shs to rtf

spd to rtf

vsd to rtf

wps to rtf

File identification strings:

HEX code: 7B 5C 72 74 66
ASCII code: {\rtf

List of software applications associated to the .rtf file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open rtf file, edit rtf file, convert rtf file, view rtf file, play rtf file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting rtf files.

Software that open rtf file - Rich Text Format document

Programs supporting the exension rtf on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open rtf file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Main software associated with rtf file by default:
Microsoft Word small icon Microsoft Word
Other suggested software:
Atlantis Word Processor small icon Atlantis Word Processor
TextMaker Viewer small icon TextMaker Viewer
TextMaker small icon TextMaker
AbiWord small icon AbiWord
Corel WordPerfect small icon Corel WordPerfect
Microsoft WordPad small icon Microsoft WordPad
Ability Write small icon Ability Write
IBM Lotus Symphony small icon IBM Lotus Symphony (obsolete/discontinued)


KWord small icon KWord (obsolete/discontinued)

Windows Mobile/CE:


Other operating systems or devices:

OfficeSuite Classic small icon OfficeSuite Classic (obsolete/discontinued)

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